Nick Vujicic is one of those motivational speakers who stands out from the rest not just because he has no arms or legs, but because you can truly feel his authenticity on a level that most just don’t have.

At a TED talk he gave in 2012, he talks about the importance of parenting in early childhood and it’s significance in overcoming hopelessness. Willpower is a driving force for making our big dreams come true, but if we don’t get a miracle in life, we can always be a miracle to someone else.

Nick Vujicic was born in Australia to a Serbian immigrant family, with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Most of his childhood he struggled with depression, and after a suicide attempt he decided to concentrate on what he did have instead on what he didn’t. He realized that his life story inspires many people.

Here is the video along with some reviews:

1. Nick Vujicic gives me a whole different perspective in life. I seen it everywhere, people complain about many things, from the “disgusting food” at the college cafeteria to the unfair amount of work we have to do for a class. However Nick gives me a perspective to not complain, he has made a brand from his story. Instead of worrying about what he doesn’t have, he focused on how he can make the most out of what he does have. That perspective of branding yourself in a way that you use everything you can to your advantage is just so powerful , I gained a whole new perspective thanks to Nick.

2. I think his an awesome guy by the way and i wish him the best but no faith in any god will make me stronger on any situation , unless that god is real ( not in a metaphorical way) in that way i would totally come to him when i needed to pray or talk about my life, p.s: all this is just my opinion dont rage pls , argue like intrinsically civilized humans

3. I was finding this inspirational until he started to talk about god and religion, then my ears just shut (im a atheist by the way ) makes to me no sense to put my hope on something i cant see ear or even believe in ,cus its on a book ( no offense to religious people you believe in what you want ) and it makes me kinda sad to see what made him be so strong today is something so irrational , it could had been hes own and only personal strength , loving someone else or something i dont know real

4. Some things are simply our own fault as humanity… God helps us see the light… he doesn’t grow limbs or protect u from falls… u make a dumb choice.. that’s ur fault.. earth blows up? We did it… we gotta take responsibility for our own actions… God shows the soul happiness that lies past the physical part of life. Ppl die and starve… that is in THIS world yes… we as humanity have created this reality in which we live in.. we shaped this earth not God

5. This motivational speech is very inspiring. Yes, I’ve seen him before and of the way that particular video opened with him speaking had hit me hard, very hard, even again NOW- I will refrain from going way off track with my point here; and that point here is that this guy has something unique about him in the way he talks and his demeanor. He has excellent delivery and nomenclature. He is inspirational for many and I can see why. I’d be honored to be his friend simply bc of whom he is, not ‘what’ he is, like some might suggest or be appealed to. I’d carry his ass into a movie theater if need be, and maybe he’d stand in the seat next to me lol [stand, tho that’s not to belittle him but to be humorous, bc I can see that he is humorous too]. I like to watch movies with people and discuss stuff. But not limiting it to movies or other “limited” stuff bc of his situation, I only used that as an example. We couldn’t play darts entirely, but maybe he could call the shots and someone be his ‘pinch hitter’. Point being that to be friends with anyone is doing whatever that anyone can and wants to do. He seems of great character and I’d bet he’s a riot to hang out with. And to add to all that, I may have my arms and legs, but he’s standing in a much better position than I am, as it be that I am financially poor and extremely limited in options; BUT however I am rich in spirit [as so does he it seems] and that’s all anyone really needs. That’s where I see my true friends accept me. Kudos and godspeed Nick, as I tell many of those that I love and care about.

6. Brilliant, courageous and inspiring. I just wish his comment about destiny didn’t imply that any atheist or agnostic was more disabled than him. That seems like the wrong thing to say. The poor man has been dealt a very bad hand but that’s deeply insulting to a large group of people.