Mel Robbins is an up and comer in the world of motivational speakers. Her 5-second rule has gone viral as she has been trying to help people who procrastinate and lack motivation:

5 second rule – when you have an impulse, you must take physical action within 5 seconds, or your mind will hit the emergency brake (stop you from doing it/talk you out of it). So, the next time you have an impulse to do something (something positive of course), count down from 5 to 1 and then do it! Take action.

Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. Widely respected for her grab-’em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want.

In a recent TED talk on “How to stop screwing yourself over” she delves deep into self sabotage and what people can do to move their life forward so that they can achieve greater results.

Here is the video along with some reviews:

What I gathered from this video:

1. “You are never gonna feel like doing it.” So just do it now.

2. When you get the idea to do sth, stop thinking and do it within 5 seconds.

3. You gotta be your own parent. Force yourself to do the things you don’t want to do.

4. Don’t ever hit the snooze button on your alarm. (I used to do that, but just felt more tired after sleeping 10 minutes longer again and again) So, really. Don’t hit the snooze button and just rip away the blanket, swing your feet into your slippers and start your day.

5. Take a walk outside right now. (which btw I did, was planning on it anyway but glad I did it earlier than planned)

Mel Robbins is the REAL DEAL! Back in 2017, I was in the process of looking for endorsers for a book I was writing on leadership. After I heard her TED talk and her personal invitation at the end to reach out to her without hesitating – I did! I applied the 5 second rule with her. And guess what… she delivered! She took the time to answer my e-mails and then invited me to send her my manuscript. Even though she was penning her bestselling book ‘The 5 Second Rule’ at the time, she still took the time to read my book. She loved it and agreed to put her name as an endorser. I will forever hold Mel Robbins in very high esteem for this. She even took the time to thank me months later when I sent her a copy of my book. And trust me, most busy people don’t bother with stuff like that. I saved her e-mails as a reminder not only of her kindness, but of how one should proceed to add value to people as well.

I agree with everything she says and I will make two points of discussion:

1: “Feelings”, or more directly emotions, are important and we shouldn’t just ignore them or disregard them. It is important to incorporate an aware of our emotions but also do what we can to make sure they are not in the driver seat. Emotions are NOT the enemy as long as we can notice them.

2: The word FORCE, as in to force yourself into doing something, is most effective if we pair that action with our values and understands that “forcing ourselves” is tied to a choice to do so. We don’t get to choose how we feel and we don’t get to choose what we think, but we do choose how we respond and that response could be filled with value rather than just being empty.

Good talk overall.

Sleep deprivation isn’t a recipe for success. Our society has this romantic notion of “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”. Reality is that lack of sleep will get you to that end point sooner rather than later.

Such an awesome motivational speech.

In a nutshell:
Action leads to motivation — not the other way around.

And, feelings are signals that a basic need is not being met. Don’t sit in complacency with these feelings — investigate them and take action to improve your situation and to work towards your goals and desires.

It’s not about what you feel, it about what you want. If you keep depending on your feeling to get what you WANT you are not going to make it. Good.

My teacher used to say that the only way to be happy is to “do the things you don’t want to do when you don’t want to do them”.

I never really understood what she meant. How can doing what I don’t want to do make me happy when I can just do something that makes me happy!

But, I think I understand what that means now and this video definitely helped me.

THANK YOU. I had already decided that in 2019, I would live my life on purpose and with purpose. Watching your talk has given me the first steps. I have saved this video to watch as often as I need. This video is my anti-snooze button.

You are beautiful and exactly right. Our biggest problem is our unwillingness to feel uncomfortable. In it is GROWTH. As we learn and soon we become comfortable again. I have experienced a lifetime of change over the last 7 years, because I used the very things that you said in your talk.

Simple things are so difficult, I want to be like you because I am fond of public speaking, it looks so easy but it is not. keep up the good work and keep up kicking our asses to get up and do something.

For the longest time I avoided Mel Robbins because I thought her husband was Tony. Boy, goes to show how many mistakes I’ve made in my life and opportunities I’ve lost by judging people. Shame one me.

You’re an amazing speaker and motivator. It’s all about application on things we learned.I’m new on this platform & I am looking forward to motivate more audiences also.You’re great!