Are you interested in hiring Jordan Belfort to speak at your event, conference, trade show, meeting, or convention?

As a keynote speaker, he knows how to command a stage where he can deliver a powerful presentation that will captivate your audience.

On this page you can contact Jordan Belfort’s speaker booking agency to learn more about his speaking fees and availability.

A booking agent will respond to you within two business hours to let you know if they are available and how much they cost.

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Speaker Bio

Jordan Belfort is a former Wall Street Broker, author, financial advisor, and keynote speaker.

On July 9, 1962, Jordan Belfort was born in the Bronx, New York. As a small-time accountant turned commodities dealer, Max’s father was a working parent, while his mother was an at-home mom. There were a total of four children in Jordan’s family. Long Island became his new home when he was an adolescent when his parents decided to relocate there.

He was born on July 9, 1962, in the Bronx, New York City, to Jordan Belfort. When it came to raising Max, his father worked outside the house as a small-time accountant before transitioning into commodities trading. Jordan’s family has a total of four children. When he was a teenager, his parents chose to relocate to Long Island, and he was forced to go with them.

In spite of his intelligence, Jordan was a troublemaker as a teenager who excelled in school. For selling marijuana, he was dismissed from high school and sentenced to a year in jail. Soon after his release, he attempted to return to school, but he dropped out after just a single semester.

Jordan started working as a door-to-door salesman for a brokerage firm in 1982. He quickly became a stockbroker because of his accomplishments. In 1987, he established Stratton Oakmont.

“Pump and dump,” or the technique of artificially raising a stock’s value by making false or misleading assertions, was Stratton Oakmont acting like a Ponzi schemer. Despite the fact that this was illegal, Jordan and his firm were able to get away with it for years.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) finally brought Jordan and Stratton Oakmont to justice in 1996. A $110 million punishment and a lifetime ban from the securities industry were the outcome of Jordan’s deeds.

The best-selling book ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ based on Jordan’s experiences, was made into a film in 2013.

Upon graduating from college, Jordan went on to establish himself as a motivational speaker and sales training business owner. He’s also working on a new biography of his life.

Though he was an intelligent adolescent who excelled in school, Jordan was also a troublemaker. He was expelled from high school and imprisoned for a year for selling marijuana. In the wake of his release, he enrolled in college, but after only one semester, he withdrew.

In 1982, Jordan began working for a brokerage business as a door-to-door salesperson. He swiftly rose to the position of stockbroker thanks to his achievements. Stratton Oakmont was formed in 1987 by him.

Because they were engaged in the practice of “pump and dump,” or the practice of inflating the value of a stock through the use of false or misleading claims, Stratton Oakmont acted as a Ponzi schemer. Jordan and his company were able to get away with this for years, despite the fact that it was unlawful.

Jordan and Stratton Oakmont were ultimately brought to justice by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1996. Jordan was barred from the securities sector for the rest of his life and fined $110 million as a result of his actions.

‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, a best-selling novel, was adapted into a 2013 film based on Jordan’s experiences.

After graduating from college, Jordan became a motivational speaker and founded a sales training firm. A new book on his life is also in the works.

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Speaking Fees

Jordan Belfort’s speaking fees can vary depending on the type of event you are producing and where it is located.

His speaking fee can also vary depending on whether you need them to deliver a live or virtual presentation.

Please note we do not work with organizations looking for speakers to speak for free, do podcasts or interviews, or do non-paid charity work.

Contact Jordan Belfort

To inquire about his speaking fees and costs, contact Motivational Speakers Agency today to book Jordan Belfort for a live or virtual event, meeting, special appearance, conference, or trade-show.

Our agent will respond within two business hours.